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With over 10 years experience, our dedicated team strives for customer satisfaction and the highest quality service available in the stone industry. If you can envision it, we can create it!
Tell us your dream and we will make it happen.


Perez Landscaping Services

Perez Lawn & Landscaping started mowing lawns on the south side of Delaware.
We now provide full lawn care and landscaping maintenance services. Services range from lawn care, mowing, leaf removal, and fertilization to landscape clean-ups, mulch, and bed.


We understand your landscape maintenance needs and will exceed your expectations.   We pride ourselves on doing each and every job with the same level of service and dedication to quality.


Here are some of our last projects with 100% Customer Satisfaction


At Complete Legacy Solutions, our mission is to positively impact the lives of those we touch. Our business supports this by offering specialized home and lawn services coupled with our dedication to the highest level of customer service, obligation to education, and deep desire to give back to the community.